At least the consonants are. Which is no doubt why comedian Scott Faulconbridge has kindly allowed me to take part in his FIRST EVER DVD TAPING this Saturday October 16th 2010 at 8:00pm inside the Just for Laughs Cabaret/Studio Juste Pour Rire, the building on the corner of Sherbrooke and St. Laurent Boulevard.
Scott is prepared to unleash a veritable onslaught of hilarious material both new and “classic”, so come check out the show. It will be MC-ed by Debaters host-supreme and all-around great Steve Martin-impresser Steve Patterson. I will be performing some improv with Scott which in DVD-terms makes me an added bonus feature. Or possibly a deleted scene but it still promises to be swell.
Come check it out, ‘cause we’d be happy to have you, too, be part of this DVD, vowels and all.