Thursday, October 23, 2008


Just a late reminder that I am headlining the Comedyworks in Montreal (1238 Bishop Street) for the triple-threat celebratory weekend of:

Thursday Oct. 30th (Henry “the Fonz” Winkler’s Birthday) 8:30pm
Friday Oct. 31st (Hallowe’en) 8:30pm and 11:00pm
Saturday Nov. 1st (Daylight Savings) 8:30pm and 11:00pm

Reservations at 514-398-9661. Hopefully y’all can make it out on one of those nights (I know many people make plans for Fonzie’s birthday).

And again that special one-time offer for the Saturday night show:

“If you’re not satisfied, we’ll give you your hour back!”

Between you and me we’ll throw in the hour anyway. My treat. No trick.

**Listen for me and my baby on the CJAD Comedy Hour with Joey Elias on Tuesday Oct. 28th at 11:00pm (800 on the AM dial).**