Hope everyone is having a nifty ought-nine. Here are some things I’ve got coming up in the new year…
Watch for my JUST FOR LAUGHS GALA from last summer due to air on CBC on February 27th at 9:00pm.
Earlier that month I’m making my first appearance at the HUBCAP COMEDY FESTIVAL in Moncton, New Brunswick. A detailed schedule is at http://www.hubcapcomedyfestival.ca/e/index.php
But here’s a run-down of where I’ll be as far as I know:
Thursday February 12th; Gala hosted by Mike Bullard at the Capitol Theatre at 8:00pm
Friday February 13th (scary); Stand-up at Mooser's Pub at 7:00pm and at the Pump House Brewery at 10:30pm
Saturday February 14th (sweet); IMPROV show at the Empress Theatre at 4:00pm and then stand-up at Cheers at 9:00pm
Plus I’m in OTTAWA twice in the next month.
First, this weekend at the NEW YUKYUKS location at 292 Elgin Street; (613-236-5233)
Thursday January 22nd; 8:30pm
Friday January 23rd; 8:00pm and 10:30pm
Saturday January 24th; 8:00pm and 10:30pm
Plus on February 11th I do another DEBATERS taping at the Centrepointe Theatre.
Details to be found here:
Really looking forward to that one.
So those are the highlights in the foreseeable future.
In the meantime, best wishes for high spirits and buried winter blahs...
Hope everyone is having a nifty ought-nine. Here are some things I’ve got coming up in the new year…
Watch for my JUST FOR LAUGHS GALA from last summer due to air on CBC on February 27th at 9:00pm.
Earlier that month I’m making my first appearance at the HUBCAP COMEDY FESTIVAL in Moncton, New Brunswick. A detailed schedule is at http://www.hubcapcomedyfestival.ca/e/index.php
But here’s a run-down of where I’ll be as far as I know:
Thursday February 12th; Gala hosted by Mike Bullard at the Capitol Theatre at 8:00pm
Friday February 13th (scary); Stand-up at Mooser's Pub at 7:00pm and at the Pump House Brewery at 10:30pm
Saturday February 14th (sweet); IMPROV show at the Empress Theatre at 4:00pm and then stand-up at Cheers at 9:00pm
Plus I’m in OTTAWA twice in the next month.
First, this weekend at the NEW YUKYUKS location at 292 Elgin Street; (613-236-5233)
Thursday January 22nd; 8:30pm
Friday January 23rd; 8:00pm and 10:30pm
Saturday January 24th; 8:00pm and 10:30pm
Plus on February 11th I do another DEBATERS taping at the Centrepointe Theatre.
Details to be found here:
Really looking forward to that one.
So those are the highlights in the foreseeable future.
In the meantime, best wishes for high spirits and buried winter blahs...