Saturday, June 23, 2007


Or at least it wasn't going to. Sorry about that.

I called in this week for Wide Open Mike Night at Jimbo's Comedyworks, 1238 Bishop St., Montreal, Monday June 25th at 9:00 pm. 514-398-9661

This is my first stand-up set since my rock 'em, sock 'em outing at Calories's Guerilla Comedy on May 13th. That's about six weeks on hiatus, which crushes all my previous stand-abstinance records from the last nine years or so, which makes this my "rust" anniversary (and it'll show). Truthfully, I'm not even that rarin' to hit the stage yet, but thought I'd force myself to get on just to see where the muse takes me. If I wait 'til I'm 100% sold on leaving the little tyke at home I probably wouldn't brave the stage again 'til Clancy gets his doctorate.

So come one, come all, for the ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME CHANCE TO SEE DAVID'S FIRST STAND-UP SET AS A "BREEDER". You don't see that every day.

I guess that message mentioned the baby a couple of times. Sorry about that.