Monday, October 02, 2006


10 years ago!

That's how long it's been since one of my bestest friends, George K., and I were creating prime, pointless distraction in his parents' basement hours after those parents had gone to sleep. Using his video camera, a futon, and a bucket of puppets (from MY parents' basement), we killed time by making an utterly pointless film. I laughed as hard as I ever had in the process. Three days later, trying to capture the experience once more, we made the sequel.

I've had both films on VHS ever since, dusting them off for only the closest friends, or people I had no compunction about frightening from my life. But in this year of webcasts and blogs, I figured, what the heck? So I opened an account on Youtube and, at long last, am presenting these wondrous opi for global consumption.

Bear in mind, we were young and stupid. Actually, we were both embarking on post-graduate degrees that fall so we were technically neither. But I will say it was a time before comedy had entered my life. Indeed, I had very little direction at all. Much like these films.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The Lonely King and Lonely King II!!!

Don't think too much.