Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I am incredibly happy to be back in Montreal. I had some ideas for a blog about my thoughts on the whole heckler/audience/comedian dynamic in the wake of certain events (it was going to be called "Michael Richards: Comedy's Columbine") but it's the end of the year and why finish on a stressed-out hostile note? Better to save it for the new year (and begin on a stressed-out hostile note, I guess). Or maybe save it for Valentine's Day.

Instead, an overview of my western junket:

On-stage highlights:

-a hooting match with some rowdy drunks in Calgary.
-playing for a very nice warm audience in Vermilion, including a Stan Lee look-alike (unintentional, I suspect).
-an even warmer audience in Olds, possibly my favorite show of the tour
-surviving a set in Lethbridge with the most agonizing sore throat in recent memory. Not a highlight so much as a Christmas miracle.
-performing for the Camrose police department, one of the great surreal "how do I end up in these situations" sort of moments that are always nice. Biggest laugh of the show was comparing a nice, petite blonde in the audience to Louie from "Taxi" (played by Danny Devito). Had to be there, I guess. They were a friendly bunch.
-an impromptu hosting job in Edmonton which turned out to be a lot of fun.
-trumping the Camrose police for surreal "how do I end up in these situations" moment, a show in an airport hanger in Grand Prairie. Acoustics held up okay, and they were, again, a very nice audience.

Off-stage highlights:

-having a drink with the boys in Vermilion (the boys being Trevor Buchanan and Allyson Smith)
-gracious hospitality of the relatives in Coaldale (emphasis on "hospital", as this was during the worst of my throat affliction
-deer-hunting with Dave Hemstead (it was a video game, I didn't go totally Albertan)
-more gracious hospitality at the Roach Motel in Edmonton, complete with nightly indulgences of Super Mario Party and 60's Spider-Man DVD's
-banging off two scripts for "The Business" on my off-days in Edmonton (hopefully those will air in some form on The Movie Network next year)
-finding Doom Patrol #'s 35, 36 and 42 for a decent price in Vancouver, making it worth staying out west an extra week (these highlights are very subjective)

Thanks to all the Yuks bookers and staff for making the trip a success, and all the people directly involved with the above moments.

More announcements coming soon of a decidedly more domestic bent.

Enjoy the holidays. I most certainly am.