Monday, August 14, 2006


Here are some more shows later in the month:

Wednesday, August 23rd 2006; Ernie Butler's Comedynest; Cancer Benefit with Derek Seguin; Pepsi Forum, Montreal, Quebec; 514-932-NEST; 8:00 pm

Thursday, August 24th 2006; Comedyworks; Hosting "Summer Sizzle 4" featuring Christophe Davidson, Kevin Gasior, Math Boylan and On the Spot Improv; 1238 Bishop St. Montreal, Quebec; 514-398-9661; 9:00 pm

Friday, August 25th 2006; Comedyworks; Hosting "Summer Sizzle 4" featuring Christophe Davidson, Kevin Gasior, Math Boylan and On the Spot Improv; 1238 Bishop St. Montreal, Quebec; 514-398-9661; 9:00 pm and 11:15 pm

Saturday, August 26th 2006; Comedyworks; Hosting "Summer Sizzle 4" featuring Christophe Davidson, Kevin Gasior, Math Boylan and On the Spot Improv; 1238 Bishop St. Montreal, Quebec; 514-398-9661; 9:00 pm and 11:15 pm

My thank-you goes out to Jamey, Inobe, DJ Bujo, Peter Radomski and everyone who came out to support the show at the Comedy Cafe, at the Pub Quartier Latin last night. It was truly one of the most stream-of-consciousness sets I'd ever done, leading to some really fun moments, so it did me a world of good. Hope everyone had a good time.