Eight years ago today I did my first open mike at Jimbo's Comedyworks, which would become a weekly occurrence over the next year, and pretty much begins my life as a regularly working stand-up comic. The open mike was actually a Just for Laughs Showcase, so the room was packed, and it went really well. I didn't get the festival, (five minutes on porn just wasn't the sort of envelope-pushing edginess they were looking for that year) but I did get on their radar and Jimbo really liked my style, which was a main reason I was able to keep going back each week.
It has been a pleasant journey, and I very much look forward to celebrating the anniversary tonight at the Ottawa Yuks.
And on a more self-promotional note, Ryan Wilner just sent me the promo for the Montreal Fringe play "Never Surrender: Centaur, Centaur, Centaur!" I'm the guy holding back the groupie.
And my Dad is 67, my hint couldn't have been more clear!
Off to Ottawa!
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