Monday, July 06, 2009


I’ve been low on career news lately, but this probably ranks a mention: Today I was nominated for a CANADIAN COMEDY AWARD for BEST MALE STAND-UP. While I’m a bit embarrassed by the loftiness of the title and the esteemed company I’ve been lumped in with, I will say it’s an honor to be nominated, and a hearty thank you to the academy/committee/star chamber that singled me out.

Apparently there’s a public vote that can be accessed through the Canadian Comedy Awards website, so check it out if you’d like. Don’t be thrown that my video clip’s production value (along with fellow nominee Scott Faulconbridge’s) is relatively modest compared to the others. Maybe even a bit like something out of a snuff film or, worse still, TMZ footage. But we gots good jokes, so hopefully people judge on the merits of content. Those awards are given out in Saint John, New Brunswick in the first week of October.

On a related note, there are six new stand-up clips of mine on Youtube, including one blast from the distant past marking a fond Just for Laughs memory whose anniversary is fast approaching.

And on a related note to that related note, I’m in JUST FOR LAUGHS this year, at the festival’s first taping of CBC RADIO'S THE DEBATERS (with its most international line-up yet!). I’m arguing with U.S. superstar Bob Marley (the comedian, not the singer) about cracking down on digital pirates (the copiers, not the cutthroats and scallywags). The show is going to be fantastic. And possibly bootlegged.

That show’s on Sunday, July 25th at 2:00pm at the Just for Laughs Cabaret at 2111 St. Laurent in Montreal.

Call 514-845-2322 or 1-888-244-3155 for details.

So that’s a lot of news on the professional front. On the personal front: baby cute, comic books good, lawn un-mowed.

Happy Summer!